
“Property valuation”

We have already concluded several thousand valuations and have many years of experience in the valuation of virtually all types of real estate, including, but not limited to:

  • office buildings
  • warehouses
  • hotels
  • hospitals
  • petrol stations
  • university libraries
  • public administration buildings
  • land for commercial and residential development.

We estimate the value of property for the purposes of loan security, court proceedings, tax proceedings, financial statements, ownership transformations, purchase – sales and settlement of any outlays owed on a real estate property.

“Business valuation”

During the process of business valuations, we use the experience that has been gathered by ourselves since 2005. Therefore we are able to better identify key factors which affect the market value of the entity being valued. We approach each valuation in an individual basis, as we are aware that each enterprise is unique, and has various different assets and different scales of operations. The purpose of business valuations influences the choice of methodology and approach to each of the analysis we carry out. We prepare business valuations , among others, for the purposes of

  • court proceedings
  • purchase and sale
  • mergers and divisions
  • transforming and changing the legal form of a company
  • combining an enterprise with another capital company

Knowledge about the value of an enterprise is crucial to make a number of strategic decisions. We help the owners, management boards and other stakeholders learn about the main factors that are used to create the value of the company.

“Brand and trademark valuation”

Brands allow customers to identify with companies and allows people to stand against the background of strong competition and to establish higher margins on their products. The brand is one of the most basic components of a company’s value creation and constitutes a significant part of its value. Proper design and development of a company’s image through the brand gives an opportunity to build a sustainable competitive advantage. The value of a trademark (brand) is a financial reflection of additional benefits obtained by enterprises by labelling products.

We usually price brands and trademarks for the following purposes :

  • valuation for accounting purposes
  • valuation for transactional purposes
  • valuation for brand management purposes

“Valuation of plant and equipment”

We offer services in the field of plant and equipment valuation for the needs of

  • securing a loan
  • lease agreements
  • financial reporting
  • bankruptcy and liquidation
  • bailiffs’ procedures


tel. 730 172 040


tel. 608-17-20-40

tel. 502-034-278